Jessica Lloyd - Senior Director of Human Resources
Jessica Lloyd
Senior Director of Human Resources
Jessica Lloyd joined Axcelus Financial (formerly Lombard International) in March 2016 and is the Senior Director of Human Resources. Ms. Lloyd is responsible for delivery in all areas of Human Resources including compliance, talent management, benefits, training, policy development and employee relations. She works closely with senior management to support the company’s strategic objectives. Ms. Lloyd received a B.A. from Lehigh University and maintains a Professional in Human Resources credential through the Human Resource Certification Institute.
Jessica Lloyd - Senior Director of Human Resources
Jessica Lloyd
Senior Director of Human Resources
Jessica Lloyd joined Axcelus Financial (formerly Lombard International) in March 2016 and is the Senior Director of Human Resources. Ms. Lloyd is responsible for delivery in all areas of Human Resources including compliance, talent management, benefits, training, policy development and employee relations. She works closely with senior management to support the company’s strategic objectives. Ms. Lloyd received a B.A. from Lehigh University and maintains a Professional in Human Resources credential through the Human Resource Certification Institute.

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