Jaclyn Green - Director of Marketing & Communications
Jaclyn Green
Director of Marketing & Communications
Jaclyn Green joined Axcelus Financial (formerly Lombard International) in April 2016 and is the Director of Marketing & Communications. In her role, Jaclyn is responsible for media relations, internal communications, social media engagement, content creation, and event management. Jaclyn previously held the positions of Marketing Manager and Sales & Marketing Assistant. Prior to joining Lombard International, Jaclyn worked in the Litigation Technology field as a Marketing Assistant. Jaclyn attended the Art Institute of Philadelphia.
Jaclyn Green - Director of Marketing & Communications
Jaclyn Green
Director of Marketing & Communications
Jaclyn Green joined Axcelus Financial (formerly Lombard International) in April 2016 and is the Director of Marketing & Communications. In her role, Jaclyn is responsible for media relations, internal communications, social media engagement, content creation, and event management. Jaclyn previously held the positions of Marketing Manager and Sales & Marketing Assistant. Prior to joining Lombard International, Jaclyn worked in the Litigation Technology field as a Marketing Assistant. Jaclyn attended the Art Institute of Philadelphia.

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